
As an Activist

My life has two faces, one is a life coach, another is an activist.
Here is an interview session my friend Francesco lead a couple of years ago for me as an activist.
English translation by Megumi Hirokawa.


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Why I am an activist

(日本語は下にあります, Japanese follows.)
A full story how I turned into an activist is here.

Q: Talk about Tokyo Urban Permaculture, what is the aim? What is the goal?

Tokyo Urban Permaculture aims to move people into action.

If we realize we actually have our stewardship of Earth, we will find ways to make this planet a more beautiful and harmonious place.

It is actually not so difficult. We can cultivate our inter-being relationship and appreciate things we already have. Just to relax with your friends and family is another way to make such state of mind.

So to speak, it is the lifestyle of 200 or 300 years back that we need to restore, when people were not swamped by the fast speed of life. To get there, we need to bring new changes in our lives and create a space for innovation.

Tokyo Urban Permaculture (TUP) was founded by Kai Sawyer, an activist who had been practicing permaculture in a jungle of Costa Rica until 2011. The nuclear plant accident in Fukushima made a great impact on his course of action. He realized it was the dominant money culture in urban areas that should be changed. Permaculture in jungles wasn’t the solution for cultivating a more earth-centered consciousness. That’s why he returned to Japan to start TUP.

Kai was doing TUP on his own, but more people like me resonated with him and joined him. There are 20 active members and almost 10,000 followers on Facebook.

There is a transition town movement in Japan, starting off in a town called Fujino. In another town called Isumi, people are working really hard to make their town like Totnes. Those two towns are just a few hours away from Tokyo, but still it is easy to get a large piece of land. 

On the other hand, about 70% of the population in Japan is concentrated in urban areas. There are not so many people living in rural areas like Isumi and Fujino. Big cities such as Tokyo, Fukuoka, Nagoya, and Osaka make the cornerstone of our everyday lives. That means, Japan won’t change unless those areas transform. The transition town movement is still going on in countrysides, as a model to create a small version of our earth. I think it is a good trend.

As TUP, we wish to create a sustainable society in urban areas, where human beings and nature can coexist. And we want to do this with the concept of permaculture. 

Q: What is the most difficult thing to change in this society? Newer generation, older generation, what is easy to transmit?

I believe everyone has a potential, and knows the importance of the blue sky, nature, children’s laughters, and friendship. We don’t want to give up on having a good time with friends over a good meal and drink. We also know it is important to have clean water and protect animals living in it, as well as other animals. I think everyone has a yearning for it, but in Japan, it is a little difficult to get scientific data and know about what is going on in the rest of the world. 

If they know the situation and know a fun and easy solution for it, they will feel like doing it. I think we can make a society, where each of us plays our own part, feels more connected and becomes more generous to each other. So, if there is any difficulty, it is that they don’t have good access to the information.  

Q: What is the heritage of Japanese culture that should be kept and not thrown away? Certain practices were forgotten.

There are so many important ideas that should be kept, but Otagaisama, or mutuality in Japanese, is one of the most important ideas for TUP. 

Otagaisama is based on the relationship without monetary exchange. It’s not that I do 10 to someone because he or she has done 10 to me. It comes from a simple awareness. It is that people in the past have done so much, and so I can exist thanks to their efforts. This awareness inspires us to do from a sense of love, with no expectation of return. I think it’s how the Japanese society has been functioning from old times.  

Another idea is Onkochishin, or creating something new by learning from history. We can find something good in the old wisdom and make innovation based on the current technology. 

Also, there is an idea that we need to know we have enough. We are given all what we need for living. We need to realize we have everything for us to live. 

Q: Did you see more improvements in Japanese society? Or are things going worse?

People say that the world has become more divided. On one hand, some people are becoming pessimistic and more conservative. They tend to look away from the reality.

On the other hand, I see more young people joining in TUP, and they know a lot. They see things from a wide perspective, and I feel trust and hope for the the future. Those in their 10s and 20s are so energetic that I can die anytime.

Q: What is the spiritual value in this society?

TUP places an importance on spirituality, promoting non-violent communication and mindfulness. It is based on what Kai learned from visiting eco villages and permaculture sites around the world. No matter how heavenly the place looks, it can turn into hell if the relationship is not working. That’s how he started to look internally and nurture the inter-being relationship. 

I completely agree with his philosophy, because I know that when I am in a good state of mind, things go so smoothly. To me, the state of being is more important than action taken with strong belief.

Q: What do you think about the world that keeps changing? Technology, modernization, and capitalization has changed the world both in better and worse ways.

It is true that Japanese lifestyle has become modernized and closer to that of Western countries. Even so, I heard an interesting story from my Japanese friend. When she went to a temple in the US for a mindfulness training, there was a time everyone had to place the cushions in lines. She noticed only those from Japan could place them so neatly. I think it is because a sense of beauty and accuracy is already built in us like a cultural DNA, and we are programmed to discern what is good, what is right, and what is beautiful. 

Despite the change in our lifestyle, this asset hasn’t been ruined. When we see water, we want to clean it. When we see something beautiful, we want to make a bow. It is sacredness that we all have, and if we start from there, we can naturally connect to the consciousness, wanting to restore polluted water and calm violence. That’s the legacy we Japanese people carry. I think it is an important cultural gene. 

Q: 東京アーバンパーマカルチャーについて聞かせて。目的やゴールはなんなのか











(関連してこのような活動もしています。博報堂さんのTokyo Urban Farming. こちらは企業さんとの連携で、東京を食べられる森にしようというプロジェクト)

Q. なんでみんなが動かないんだと思う?どこに希望があって、どこに課題があると感じている?



Q. 残すべき日本文化の遺産はある?日本の伝統的な考え方で、これからも採用できるものはある?






Q. 日本社会におけるスピリチュアリティ・精神性とはなんですか?



Q. 世界が変わり続けていることについてどう感じていますか?テクノロジーや近代化、資本主義化が世界を良くも悪くもしていたということについて

そういう美しさとか正確さのクオリティが、多分もう日本文化の DNAとして身体に刻まれていて、何を正しいと思うか、良きことと思うか、何を美しいと思うかっていうことがすでにプログラミングされているんじゃないかなと思っています。


くふうとまほう のサービス





